Peeps, Marshmellow
s, and Bunnies, oh my! Loved, absolutely loved this weekend. My daughter, Carla and Alan had the fam over for a delicious Easter Breakfast. It dawned on me while watching her cook, with friends and family gathered, that my daughter was now carrying on the traditions I had begun with my children. It was one of those kodak moments that only a mom could understand and quietly beam with pride.

Easter Eve was spent with very special friends, Patty and Larry P, their children

and grandchildren at El Capitan Beach campground. We go back over 25 years and I have to tell you, this is one incredible family. Families as close as this are so few and far between in this day and age. In such a crazy fast paced world, it is sooo refr

eshing to see families spend time

together as they do. Scrumptious BBQ, great stories and many, many laughs around the campfire while enjoying s'mores. Sometimes, it really is the simple things in life that mean the most. Oh and was in Patty's kitchen that I met Mr. Mot

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