Monday, October 15, 2012


Double nickels, that is what today is.  Double nickels.

I'm fifty-five today.  Oh my, fifty five, I can't drive fifty-five.......

And with that cool number brings.....drum roll.....wait for it....SENIOR DISCOUNT!

Yep, ladies and gentleworms, I am eligible for the discount and I plan to embrace it!

In fact, a few days ago while shopping  I was asked if I was a  "military, teacher, or senior"?

I replied, I was ALMOST a senior in a few days and the clerk said, how about an early birthday present and gave me 25% off.   ChaChing!

Then on Saturday at the Jiffy Lube, I tried my luck again and asked if they do a "senior discount".
Yes, he replied........but I need to see your ID.   HOO RAH, NOW I WILL GET CARDED ALL OVER AGAIN.  Yep, life has gone full circle,  And yes, he gave me FIVE bucks off my oil change.

Hmmm, this is gonna be fun. 

Just returned from a birthday weekend with Mr. Moto in Cambria, my favorite place on earth. 
Beach walks, beach air and shrimp scampi ~ italian style.

Fifty five and still in a is good.   Soooo good.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Still" - Mason Van Valin & Chelsea Chaput

Mason Van Valin recently asked Chelsea to accompany him on this track on his latest album. 
These two attended the same high school (at different times) and Chelsea was thrilled to sing with him.  Unbelieveably "mad" skills from both of them.  You saw it here......

Monday, September 17, 2012

From the mouths of babes

Hello Blogland, it's me. .. Miss Scarlett. I am now three months old and gettin' cuter everyday.

I thought I'd fill you in on what my T-Ma has been doing as it's been over 2 months since she has blogged.  When she's not been painting, sanding, picking, thrifting or garage saling, she's been entertaining (family from England),  working her part time job at the baby store, writing (wink), dating Mr. Moto, and spending time with me, the apple of her eye!  She makes a good T-Ma, she always finds something for me on her thrifting adventures and is always mugging on my chubby little cheeks.  She has been known to call me the "chunky monkey" as of late.

My Aunt Chelsea has been singing and performing up a storm with her partner Jesse in their duo "BitterSweet" and are receiving raves where ever they go.  Heavens, they even gave us a "concert" in the backyard a few weeks ago.  My very first concert.  Chelsea even sings me to sleep sometimes!

My parents, Allen and Carla survived the first few months of sleep deprivation and colic and I now sleep thru the night. Good times for all!! My big sister Sway takes really good care of me too. 

Great Grand Dad Terry is doing great as well and came to visit a few weeks back.  He loves being in the desert climate and spending time with his lady, Rosemary.  I hear they drove  thru the night from Phoenix to get to the hospital and made it in time for my birth.  I must really be somethin' special.  First great grandchild and all ya know.

My Uncle Kyle is doing well too.  Busy, busy, busy in the construction world and spending lots of time at the lake with his lady Leslie and his boat and new camping trailer.

Rumor has it my T-Ma is taking off this weekend with her honey for some much needed R&R, heading north, I'm told.

Maybe after her vacation, she'll blog regularly again.  We can only hope :)

Peace out,

Scarlett Marie

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Star Spangled Banner sung by Chelsea Chaput

Please stand, remove your hat, place your hand on your heart and celebrate today and all the blessings we have in this great country we call home.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Month One!

When a child is born, so are grandmothers.
Happy first month, sweet baby Scarlett.
What bliss you have brought us all.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I've traded in my Steve Madden heels and Calvin Klein suits and picked up my PINK hammer and a can of white paint.  After Michael died, I spent years trying to find another position, in and out of the entertainment industry, but they were all like trying to put a square peg in a round hole.  Nothing fit.  Years of lay-offs, rejection letters and unaswered calls.  I felt like a horse put out to pasture before her time. 

And then I thought, if they won't hire me, I'll hire myself.  I will follow my passion....just like I blogged about HERE almost a year to the day. Do what you Love.  Love what you Do.   It began with an old hutch on Craig's List (I just love Craig and his List) and a dream.
I bought it sight unseen for $40 bucks.  I borrowed Mr. Moto's truck to pick it up and schlepped it back to his house.  Grabbed my Annie Sloan chalk paint and went at it.  Mr. Moto asked if I needed help "distressing it".  Sure, I replied and he left for the garage, presumably to grab some sandpaper.

Instead he returned with two motorcycle chains and begain to beat the hell out of  it.  I just stood back and watched.  I can't imagine what his neighbors thought.  There he was on the front lawn swinging motorcyle chains wildly and bashing my "new" antique hutch. Wood chips were flying.  I then finished painting it white.....
It sold a week later.  And so it began.
I am now a Picker.  Yes folks, a Picker.  A full time professional Picker.  I can be found in thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets and yes, I've even been known to slam on brakes slow down and pick up junk treasures left on the curb as well.

I LOVE to repurpose things.  Almost everything is painted white, and the chippier, the shabbier, the better.

These last five years have been filled with enormous change and growth. Beginning with the deepest hurt and sadness I've ever known, to fear, sheer panic and fight for survival, to acceptance, contentment and now finally.....peace.

Now, I've become me.  Just plain and simple me. And I love it! And through this journey, I have learned, per Pooh

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Three Years Gone By

This is the Michael I knew and loved.
It was Heaven here on earth with you.
Now you rock the Heaven's above.
I miss you so, my dear friend.

Sunrise  August 29, 1958 ~ Sunset  June 25, 2009

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pearls of Wisdom

The hardest thing in life
 is letting go of something you thought was real.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Miss Scarlett has arrived!

Miss Scarlett made her debut on Sunday at 6:02 PM.
Weighing in at 7 lbs. 14 oz and 19 inches long, with a full head of hair!!
Carla's water broke late Saturday evening and she and Allen took off for the 45 minute drive to Cottage Hospital.  She was admitted and labored like a trooper until about 5:00 PM on Sunday afternoon when it was decided Ms. Scarlett was in the "sunny side up" position and not face down as needed to deliver.  Thus a C-section was ordered, much to Carla's dismay, but necessary.  Carla blurted out "but I haven't read that section of the book" and we all enjoyed a good laugh in a tense situation.
 Allen and I "gowned up" ready for the Operating Room.  Moments later Scarlett is born.
 Allen accompanied Scarlett to the Nursery while I remained in the O.R. with Carla and then stayed with her in  Recovery.  What an INCREDIBLE experience.  Mom and daughter are doing beautifully!
 Great Grandad Terry with Scarlett's feet in the palm of his hand.
                                    Carla and Scarlett
                              T-Ma and Ms. Scarlett
Four Generations!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sing Chelsea, Sing!

                            "Bitter Sweet"
 Meet Jesse, the other half of "Bitter Sweet". 
Chelsea and Jesse have known one another since they were babies and just the other night while on stage as an opening act for Nashville's hottest trio,  The Farm, they announced the name of their new duo.   Jesse strums an awesome guitar and the harmonizing between these two is unbelievable!  They finished their set with Smokey Robinson's "You've really got a hold on me" to the delight of all.

 This was an incredible opportunity for them and they were thrilled  to be able to talk afterwards to the Farm band members.  The Farm is currently on the Country Top 40 with their single "Home Sweet Home".  Listen Here

Way to go Chelsea and Jesse!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Recent Random Moments

Celebrated Mother's Day and Mother-to-be-Day.  Awesome Kids! Awesome Day!
 Chelsea's 19th Birthday at Wanda Sykes Concert
 (my jaw ached from laughing)
 My nephew Garth at his Mountain Bike Race in 95 degree weather.  Kudos for riding in that heat!
 My niece Bethany got engaged at Disneyland, so this is the impromtu "engagement" cake
 I put together.
Teri, the baby of the family turned 40, oh my and there was a party.......
and last but not least,
Chelsea sang the National Anthem at the Relay for Life Cancer Walk
and just last Saturday night opened for Nashville's hottest new band
"The Farm"
Now we are just on BABY WATCH.
Any time now. Any moment now, or so the Doctor says....
Stand by.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

And then there was one.

One Bee Gee left.
Where there had been Three.
My favorite band, next to the Beatles ~ of all time.

Robin Gibb passed away Sunday.
I can't even comprehend.
This is the 3rd son, that Mrs. Gibb has layed to rest.
No parent, should ever have to bury a child, leave alone three.

Heartthrob, Andy Gibb was her youngest.
Then, Robin's twin, Maurice just a few year ago.
Her oldest Barry is her only surviving son.

I got to see the Bee Gees in the early seventies at Dodger Stadium.
I still have the t-shirt from that day.
I still have my "Saturday Night Fever" album.

And my disco dance moves.

God Bless you, Robin. 
May you join your brothers above and harmonize with them once again.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Me and My Mum

There is nothing like the bond between a mother and a child.

Here on earth and after.

You are always connected


Now that I have children of my own, I understand the depth of that connection between a mother and child.

The joy, the heartache and the inbetween
and the simple moments you never forget.

~  these are a few of mine ~

when I was very young,  I asked my mom, how will I know when I meet the "right one"
and her answer was "you will just know".  It can't be explained, she said.
"you will just know"
 sitting together at the air conditioned lunch counter of Newberry's department store in Arizona
sharing her favorite egg salad sandwhich on rye,
washing it down with an ice cold rootbeer after shopping for our "bargains"
 coming home from school in the sixth grade
to find she had laid out a dress for me on my bed
to wear to my first dance that night...
complete with a pearl necklace.
 pretending to be asleep when she laid my Christmas stocking
at the foot of my bed every Christmas eve
and listening to her footsteps as she crept out of my room
 watching her pack home made fried chicken, potato salad, and date nut bars
 to fill the Coleman cooler and pile in the station wagon for a Sunday picnic
at the Verde river.

and her scent.  Every now and then, it fills the air
and I just smile.  I know Mom, I know.
and I thank you for letting me know you are ok.

and now in just a few short weeks, I will be a grandmother and my daughter
will begin to fill her new daughter's life with these sweet moments too
and that just makes my heart swell.

Happy Mother's Day!



Friday, May 4, 2012

We Got the Beat......

It's been a week of  B E A T to listen to  Scarlett's sweet little heart beat...only 38 more days, but who's counting
and then tonight, it was the Go-Go's concert.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Shower Time

Just a few days from now, we'll be having a Baby-Q in honor of Carla and baby Scarlett.

We may need umbrellas, as showers are forecast....

Been busy designing a diaper cake centerpiece among other fun shower goodies.

Soooo excited to be a Grandma or as my kids call me T-Ma.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Amazing Grace -

Happy Easter.
May God bless.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Has it really been a month since my last post? Yikes.
Those who know me, know when I don't post....things are not going well :(
Sometimes things are too painful, or too personal to talk about and I just need to be still....until the storm passes. Well the rainbow has appeared, in fact, an absolutely breathtaking double rainbow and the 'ol me is back now.
Stronger than ever.
They say "that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" , well I must have buns of steel by now.
Winds of change. Stayed tuned. Exciting things on the horizon.
P.S. and thanks for all your support. You know who you are!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Really, I'm fine.

Really, I'm fine.
Just navigating thru life at the moment. Sending out resumes into cyberspace. Enjoying daily rejection letters and pointless interviews.
On my last interview, I was asked....and they were serious I might add......
"what if Brad Pitt calls you and needs an assistant?"

My reply ~
"Ummm, if Brad Pitt called, you wouldn't be the only man I would be leaving......
Needless to say I didn't get the job.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day celebrating with everyone that you love.

You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ~ Dr. Seuss

Wishing you love in your life today and always.


Trace xo

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Quiet Time

Today is one of those melancholy days. I need my quiet time to be still and alone in my thoughts. Chatting with God about stuff. Lots of stuff. But he has time, he always does, to listen.

Three years ago today, I lost my mom. Suddenly ~ gone.

Thinking of the times – more specifically, life - when things were different. Easier, less hurt in the heart. When I could just pick up the phone and talk to my mom or take her shopping on a whim.

I miss my mom so much. Often I suppress back the tears that seem to well up in my eyes at the oddest of times. A song on the radio will spark a memory. Sometimes a happy one, sometimes not.
Life has changed so much. In soooo many directions.

Today is a day for reflection. That’s all. I know many of you are walking with me in this journey. Others not. It’s hard to explain how I feel. I 'm lucky to feel my mom's spirit. I now live in her home and she is here with me and that makes me smile.

"All souls last we need not fear goodbye.
A kiss when I must go.

No time we'll say hello"

Friday, January 27, 2012


Scarlett Marie


will make her debut the first week of June!

This grandma is gonna be in so much trouble..... pink, frilly, lacey, girly.....oh my.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Upon returning to work from my orthodontist appointment last Tuesday, cause someone had to have her braces put back on.....

I was informed -

that my position was being

~ GASP ~ eliminated.

Poof! Gone!


You're kidding right?

I've just been laid off? Again? Twice in one year?


Yep. Really.

Happy New Year to me.

Excuse me while I go dust off that resume.....