Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Here come da judge.....

After 4 months of hell, we came, we saw, we kicked some ass. Attending with me today were, my boy toy troy, my Sheriff John, my Daddy & Sista and my BFF peeps, Patti and Wendy & John boy.

Inside the pocket of my blazer was one white feather, sent by my mum. In the ot
her pocket, was Sheriff John, my new voodoo friend who eliminates bullies.

After hours of my truthful testimony, and then.....some not so truthful testimony, followed by the attorney's closing arguments, Judge Staffell concluded that my support will stand as is and then adjusts accordingly when Chel graduates in June.

(now picture the happy dance thru the courtroom and a hug for my attorney)

Plus, I was awarded my attorney's fees as well.
Today was a good day.
Justice was served on a large shiney, silver platter.

To all of you who stood by me during this difficult time, I thank you.
Your support, kindness and charity mean more than you will ever know.
Thanking you from the bottom of my heart.
Now if you will excuse me, I need to pack for my long and overdue trip to a land called exhaustion for some much needed R& R,
who knows maybe I'll be in a town near you!
Love you all. XOXO

By the time

you read this, it will be over.
The wait that is.
The last four months of my life have been pure hell and I have been unable to share that with you.

Tomorrow, a judge will decide and the bullying will end.
I will know my fate and be able to move forward........finally.

Stand by.......for the verdict.

Friday, December 24, 2010


It's Christmas Eve. It's quiet. It's just me in the house snuggled in my bed with my coffee. It's cold and grey outside and the only sound I can hear is my clock chiming downstairs. Love moments like this. Time to reflect. Memories of Christmas Eve's past fill me. They were magical to me as a child and when I close my eyes right now, I am taken right back, right back to that Christmas Eve tradition, over 40 years ago, with my family. My three sisters and I would get all dressed up (sometimes in matching outfits) and load into the family station wagon, and head to the Lost Alaskan chinese restaurant. As we seldom ate out, this was a HUGE treat for us and very special. I can vividly remember that wonderful aroma as we walked thru the door of the restaurant and found our booth. Ahhhh, the fried rice and egg drop soup..divine...all of us sitting like little ladies at the table. After our bellies were full and the fortunes were read, we piled back in the car and off into the Arizona night to find the prettiest Christmas lights around. Dad would take us to the "fancy" neighborhoods so that we could "ooh and aw" at those twinkling, colorful lights. Oh the squeals of delight......as each neighborhood got better and better. We also kept one eye in the sky for Santa and his sleigh, too and Rudolf's red nose. We would then return home and were allowed to open just one present. This would usually be our Christmas jammies which we donned immediately. It was then off to bed to try to sleep. Trying to sleep was impossible. Filled with so much excitement and longing for morning to come. And the final tradition of the night was the stocking. Santa would enter our room, when "she" thought we were asleep and lay it on the food of our bed. On a few occassions, I was still awake, pretending to be asleep and watch my mom's sillouette quietly creep out of my room. That is a keepsake moment for me :) It was then that I would take one leg, with my toe extended and find that stocking and quietely, ever so quietly drag it up to me and hide it under my covers. In the darkness I would put my hand into that stocking, listening to the crinkling of its contents and try to figure out what delights were in it. Ahhh, the chocolate Santa which I would unwrap and devour as quietly as possible under the covers. No wonder I could not sleep! And there I would lay surrounded by the stockings contents, unable to see what they were, but laying among them as I drifted happily off to sleep..........

To this day, I continue this tradition with my children.

May you and yours have a magical Christmas.


So many of you have touched me deeply recently.
Such kindness.
Such support.
Such charity.
You know who you are.
and i thank you

Monday, December 20, 2010

East or West?


Spent 3 hours in the garage last night, purging, purging, purging. Twenty years of stuff, and filled the trash can to the brim.

Good news tho, in just those three boxes, I found a
$40.00 gift certificate,
a $20.o0 gift certificate to Vons, and 3 uncashed personal checks. Yikes!
(that's what happens when you move in a hurry)
What other treasures will i find?
But I did find a "keepsake" photo I have been looking for : )
It's like a treasure hunt, you never know what you may find. Three down, 15 to go!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

I'm Sad, I'm Mad, I'm Glad

Tough week, hell it's been a tough month.

Ain't gonna lie to you.

In fact I feel like "crap on a stick" right now.

So see there, things aren't always perfect at Tracy's Day.

Just thought you'd want to know.

Oh and that song you hear playing right now is my new anthem. Thanks, Cher.

Nite. Nite.

Tomorrow is a new day............

Saturday, December 11, 2010

You Know?

I hate finishing a book.

Especially a good book.

Because as soon as it is finished, I miss the characters and I miss being a part of their lives and knowing what's happening. I miss the story and I miss reading it.

Maybe that's why I write this blog.
The story just keeps going on...................

Chelsea Chaput singing "Maybe this Time"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

College Bound

Chelsea has been feverishly filling out college applications and writing essays. She spent many, many hours on one particular one. And it paid off. She has been invited to audition for one of the schools she applied for. Maybe you've heard of it......a little school called.....JUILLIARD in New York City!!!!

She will audition in San Francisco next February. It's almost surreal. From her first play in kindergartden to possibly Juilliard...oh my.

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Quote of the Week

"If the jackhammer doesn't work, I am going to rent a flame thrower. A big one."


that I never, ever, ever thought would happen - DID.

I could be referring to something good or something bad, right?

And as my luck would have it, I was given one of each -

The good one is - Delightful.

While the bad one is - Despicable.

Never, say never.

Not in my wildest dreams.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December 1st!
Love, Love, Love this time of year!
But I'm still counting my blessings from Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful that my Daddy comes home tomorrow after a 2 week stay in the hospital!

I'm thankful that Chelsea is all in one piece after tripping over the Yorkie on the stairs and tumbling half way down all the while holding on to her cat. I so wish I had a video of that one!
I am thankful that my children are happy and healthy and that they now cook their Mom thanksgiving dinner!
I am thankful for my guy and his kindness.

I'm so thankful that I am surrounded with such incredible friends, especially during these last few months. Between the ICU and the court room, it has not been easy. But there is blue on the horizon. 2011 will bring a new beginning......an exciting one filled with changes.
Now if you will excuse me, I'm gonna whip up some hot chocolate, curl up on my couch in front of the fire and think about all the good things yet to come.....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Point Taken

Ok Blogland,

You got me. Your comments really got me. I have been amiss about blogging and you both know why. But you are so right, dang right.

Thank you for letting me share your comments -

"Now that's what I'm talking about!!!! What a wonderful way to start my day. I look so forward to your blogs and have missed them so much! Your blog is the first thing I go to before I even check my emails. DO NOT LET ANYONE or anything ever take your beautiful or creative writing ability away from your mind and spirit AGAIN because if you do they WIN and I will have to kick your ASS and sit on you and you know that will HURT!!!! luv ya. xoxo P.

And Stacy, thanks for your heartwarming comment.....I'd print it, but I can't find it right now :(
Love to all.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Simple Things

The best things in life are not things at all.

And for me, it really is all about the simple things.
Like yesterday, when I came home from visiting my Dad at the Rehab and found that you fixed my
"white picket fence".
Those are the "things" that make me smile from the inside out.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Insert Interesting Post Here

Believe me.

I'm working on it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not again.

Why is there never enough gas in my car? I swear the gas fairy takes it out my car while I sleep. Let me set the scene. I swore many years ago after a very embarrassing moment with a police officer that I would always put clothes on (bathrobes don't count) when driving children to school and I have been damn good about that until last week....
Now that Chelsea has her driver's license, a few days a week I let her drive to school and then I hop over into the driver's seat and drive off. I know this fascinates the "parking monitor" who watches me in amazement as I bend myself into a pretzel and roll into the other seat. I've perfected this so I don't have to exit the car in front of the high school wearing the "outfit". So as I am driving out of the parking lot, I notice the gas light is on and by observing the "needle" buried below the E, I realize I do not have enough gas to get home. I now have two options...

I can turn this car around and enter the high school campus and retrieve Chelsea so she could pump my gas, thus risking running into staff and heaven forbid her friends who otherwise think I am a normal human being. That option might just scar Chelsea for life....that and enduring the endless ridicule of having a troll for a mother or I could just suck it up and pump the gas myself.

So I choose my second option. I will just drive to the closest gas station, hide behind my car which is not hard to do when you are only 5 feet tall and pump my gas. I arrive at the station and strategically park at the farthest pump away from the station. I jump out and then realize, I don't have my ATM card to swipe at the pump, it is in the back pocket of the jeans I was wearing last night which are now in a heap on my bedroom floor. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP. I am now going to have to walk the walk of shame INTO the gas station.

Let me describe the "outfit". Grey sweat pants that cut off at the knee, baggy black t shirt with no bra, (that item of clothing is next to the aforementined jeans), bedhead hair with not one, but two bird nests from last night's hairspray, not an ounce of makeup, and morning breath that would stop a charging buffalo at 50 feet. Oh yeah, and I am barefoot. This is what one looks like when they take 49 seconds to get ready in the morning and hop in a car still rubbing sleep from their eyes.
The only cash I have is the loose change in the ash tray. It totals $1.92.

Please Lord, don't let me see anyone I know. I am begging you. (did I mention my town is about the size of Mayberry?) So me and my $1.92 enter the store. Have you ever tried to mumble....."$1.92 on pump 12 please" with out letting your dragon breath escape your mouth and then throw your grimey change on the counter and run? Do you know what type of clientele is at the gas station at that time of day? Construction workers, plumbers, electricians and commuters. I slink out of that gas station. I don't even have a pair of friggin sunglasses to hide the hideousness. If only I could be invisible. I pumped that $1.92 as fast as possible and rolled quietly out of the gas station.

At least I wasn't wearing a bathrobe this time....that my friends is an entirely different blog post about a policeman, an elementary school and a black hefty bag.

My lack of dignity never ceases to amaze me.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Christmas came early.......look what appeared on my door step. It's barely past Halloween.

Are you the same person(s) that took the HUGE Christmas wreath off my house last year and replaced it with the gawdy Fall Harvest wreath?

Who ever you are, I love your sense of humor..... my roommate and I were hysterical when we opened the door and found this. You really made my day!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Spent my Halloween with a siamese pumpkin, two zombies and my darlin' Jeffrey Perez.
Jeffrey is a Michael Jackson tribute artist who lives in Phoenix, but flew to Santa Barbara and did an AWESOME Halloween show at the Velvet Jones nightclub.

Thank you Jeffrey, you do him proud.
It was a THRILLER of a night!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Paranormal Activity...

Someone, sshhhh, we won't mention any names went to see this Movie with her friends. Someone was so frightened she called me from the theatre to make sure I was home before she was dropped off by her friends.

Someone stayed within arm's reach once arriving home. Someone asked if we could watch TV together (even tho it was after midnight). Someone then followed me upstairs and sheepishly asked if she could sleep in my bed......with the lights and TV on. While nestled in bed, someone asked....."Mom are you awake? Please don't go to sleep before me, let me go to sleep first". It was all I could do to stay awake. Every time I moved in that bed, I would hear "Mom, where are you going"? I am simply turning over, I replied. Also in my bed that night, were 2 cats and a yorkie, perhaps for additional protection from the "spirits". A few hours later, I awoke to a heaviness on my chest. There were two arms drapped across it as to hold me in place.... I already had a cat sleeping on my head. At one point, I tried to grab my camera, I just had to get a picture of this, but didn't take one, as I knew the flash would just send her into orbit. She would have thought it was a poltergeist or something! It's been 3 days now and she still sticking to me like glue...in fact, she just hollered from downstairs....."Mom, are you awake".......yes dear....I am. Here's rare footage of what one looks like the next day with little sleep and
SC H A I R ED straight!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh What a Month.....

What have I been doing you ask? Welp, October is a busy month filled with lots of birthdays and work related stuff. Miss Rona and I just celebrated our birthdays, they are a week a part. We are both Libra's, and truth be told, I think that's why she hired me :) Rona just closed her show "Nothing but the Truth" on the eve of my birthday and I was treated afterwards to a scrumptious dinner and cake at the Root 246 restaurant. When not doing her show, we are off to speaking engagements. Last Saturday at one such event, I was seated at a table with Steve Ford, President Ford's son. Steve is also an actor, his claim to fame was Meg Ryan's boyfriend in "When Harry Met Sally". He had us in stitches telling us stories about the Secret Service while his Dad was in office. My favorite story he shared was about his Dad's college education. Gerald Ford was not planning on attending college as his parents could not afford it. His high school principal was adament that he attend college and gave him $100 to get him on his way. Seventy years ago, that was a heck of a lot of money but that principal saw something in that young man and helped him out. Little did he know, Gerald Ford would go on one day to be the President of the United States. Sadly, the principal did not live to see that, but what an incredible story of someone believing in you.

Today while driving with Miss Rona to LA, I mentioned that someone I knew was having a birthday. So what does she do? She calls them and sings "Happy Birthday" to them in her Marilyn Monroe voice. Do I have a cool boss or what? Did I mention I love my job....how often do you get to have dinner with the son of a president?

I'm just saying.....

The Birthday Boy....

Meet Kyle, my son, who just turned 27!
I remember during my labor, the doctor and nurses were all huddled around the TV in my room glued to the world series and Kyle interupted the 8th inning with his arrival.

My most mellow child of the three, he is sandwiched between his two sisters, Carly and Chelsea. From a young boy playing with power rangers to a young man now with power tools. By 25, he already had his General Contractor's license and his own home.
Happy Birthday young man, you done made your momma proud!
Love you to the moon and back!

It's me.....again.

Officially, as of right this very minute, I have returned to the original me.
Back to my given name, back to just being me.
Meet Ms. Tracy Coppin.
It's good to be home.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tap Tap, Is Anyone Awake?

It's 3:15 a.m.

I can't sleep.

It's amazing the clarity you have at 3:15 a.m.

I can hear rooster's crowing, yet it is dark outside. My yorkie is snoring at my feet.

I thought I could write a a new blog post, as I haven't been able to write one for reasons I am unable to share.....but just know, that if I could put into words right now what is really on my mind it would be a best seller.

I will be blogging again soon after this little bump in the road we call life.

I just sent a text.

And now I will write that email while it is so clear in my mind.

Nite. Nite.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ooohhh Nooo, you didn't.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall in my little neck of the woods...it was over 80 degrees today when my peep, Wendy and I set off for a "girl" day. I haven't had some "girl" time in many a week. I'd tell you what has been going on, but then your brain would explode, so we'll revisit that at a later date. We headed up the coast to San Luis Obispo, where we dined on some of the best clam chowder around at "Splash". Kinda a hot day for chowder, but what the heck? Next on to one of my favs, the Avila Valley Barn and the Pumpkin Patch.


My gal pal Wendy carrying my corn stalks or as she calls them, my "weeds"

There was fresh, hot corn on the cobb dripping with butter and then the entire reason for the trip,

the mouth watering carmel apple rolled in chocolate fudge, out of this world until the wasps landed on my apple...

This looks like a good one, now who's gonna carry it to the car? Maybe we could just roll it there.


And my pumpkin' friends...

Such an awesome day, filled with yummy food, girl talk and giggles. So, so needed. Thanks Wen, I can always count on you and your wisdom.
Now off to a busy week. Stay tuned.