What have I been doing you ask? Welp, October is a busy month filled with lots of birthdays and work related stuff. Miss Rona and I just celebrated our birthdays, they are a week a part. We are both Libra's, and truth be told, I think that's why she hired me :) Rona just closed her show "Nothing but the Truth" on the eve of my birthday and I was treated afterwards to a scrumptious dinner and cake at the Root 246 restaurant. When not doing her show, we are off to speaking engagements. Last Saturday at one such event, I was seated at a table with Steve Ford, President Ford's son. Steve is also an actor, his claim to fame was Meg Ryan's boyfriend in "When Harry Met Sally". He had us in stitches telling us stories about the Secret Service while his Dad was in office. My favorite story he shared was about his Dad's college education. Gerald Ford was not planning on attending college as his parents could not afford it. His high school principal was adament that he attend college and gave him $100 to get him on his way. Seventy years ago, that was a heck of a lot of money but that principal saw something in that young man and helped him out. Little did he know, Gerald Ford would go on one day to be the President of the United States. Sadly, the principal did not live to see that, but what an incredible story of someone believing in you.

Today while driving with Miss Rona to LA, I mentioned that someone I knew was having a birthday. So what does sh

e do? She calls them and sings "Happy Birthday" to them in her Marilyn Monroe voice. Do I have a cool boss or what? Did I mention I love my job....how often do you get to have dinner with the son of a president?
I'm just saying.....
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