Someone stayed within arm's reach once arriving home. Someone asked if we could watch TV together (even tho it was after midnight). Someone then followed me upstairs and sheepishly asked if she could sleep in my bed......with the lights and TV on. While nestled in bed, someone asked....."Mom are you awake? Please don't go to sleep before me, let me go to sleep first". It was all I could do to stay awake. Every time I moved in that bed, I would hear "Mom, where are you going"? I am simply turning over, I replied. Also in my bed that night, were 2 cats and a yorkie, perhaps for additional protection from the "spirits". A few hours later, I awoke to a heaviness on my chest. There were two arms drapped across it as to hold me in place.... I already had a cat sleeping on my head. At one point, I tried to grab my camera, I just had to get a picture of this, but didn't take one, as I knew the flash would just send her into orbit. She would have thought it was a poltergeist or something! It's been 3 days now and she still sticking to me like glue...in fact, she just hollered from downstairs....."Mom, are you awake".......yes dear....I am. Here's rare footage of what one looks
like the next day with little sleep and
SC H A I R ED straight!
poor chelsey! hahah, you gotta love the wacky things kids do (especially since we did the exact same things when we were young)!!! i remember going to scary movies and then coming home and checking every closet, checking every window and looking under every bed...oh, and behind the shower curtain too!!!!