Friday, July 30, 2010

Troy Boot Camp

Came home the other day, only to find Troy running up and down the stairs, just like the scene from the Rocky movie.

Apparently someone is just a little intimidated by the new man in my life.
There were lots of push ups, even the hand clapping kind.

I then found him in the kitchen, doing pull ups from my cookbook holder.
But then's ok Boy Toy Troy, you are still the man!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Road Trip - Day 2 & 3 - Silver Lake

Day 2 brought us to this

darling cabin at Silver Lake. This is just off of Hwy 395, 50 miles past Bishop and right next to June Lake. While driving to the cabin we passed this awesome waterfall and planned a hike to the falls. The first part of the hike was great, mostly flat and somewhat rocky, and thanks to the 9 gallons of mosquito spray I was wearing, the bloodsuckers left us alone. It wasn't until about three quarters up the trail as I was stepping over some rocks, I saw it. IT being a SNAKE. (I always remember my brother-in-law Jim saying, watch where you step when you hike) good advice as I caught sight of it just as I was bringing my foot down, just inches away. I calmly screamed "SNAKE" (as calmly as one can scream) to Andy who was just a few steps ahead of me and then I backed away.....SLOWLY. We both just stared at it for a moment, Andy on one side of it and me on the other. It wasn't a rattlesnake, that much I knew. It was completely brown in color and that's when Andy says "its a black mamba". Very funny Mr. Moto! It remained completely still, so I took my chances and lept over the thing. I'm sure I could have walked on water at that point. My eyes then never left the ground after that. We are now at over 7000 feet elevation and I am becoming winded, exhausted from my snake watching and the sudden steepness of the trail. Mr. Moto of course is bounding up the trail. Note to self - never hike with someone who works out, trains and rides motorcross, you are way out of your league. But he was a real trooper and waited patiently. We finally made it to the waterfall and it was well worth it.

The cabin where we stayed was awesome tucked among the trees with a view of the lake and no connection to the outside world. No internet, no TV, no cell phone, no radio.....just crickets and moonlight. And oh yes, I even had candlelight because someone, we won't mention his name, thought to pack a candle. Cause that's how he is..
....Some kind of wonderful.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day One of Road Trip

On a sunny Thursday morning, Mr. Moto and I begin our trip. His white chariot whisks me away from palm trees on the coast, to

the red rock in the desert and then up Hwy 395 to beautiful June Lake. At every gas station, we bought lotto tickets, maybe that way our vacation would never have to end. In the quaint town of Bishop, we picked up some yummy sandwiches, and then Mr . Moto pulls off on a country road and parks by a stream in the shade. He jumps out, drops the tail gate and there we sat, legs a swinging, enjoying lunch. This is the first trip in my life, that I have not had to make all the arrangements. He made all the plans - all I had to do was be the passenger and relax.
Life is good and that's only day one.
P.S. And he doesn't make my palms sweat, when he drives.........inside joke.

In a Pinch

My room mate, Chris and I were out the other night at a show. Unexpectedly, I kept running into people there that I knew and thought, I need a breath mint for the next encounter. I leaned over to her and asked if she had any gum or breath mints.... she hands me a tiny can out of her purse which I thought was Binaca...only it WASN'T! GASP, it was Wick Air Freshner, (New Car Smell). I almost died. Of course then the two us couldn't stop laughing and (gagging) and she continues to dig thru her purse and finds a tube of toothpaste and a cough drop. Hey, at this point, I'll use anything. And amazingly enough, just a dab of toothpaste, smeared on your tongue (while no one is watching) works wonders. Now I have Colgate breath, instead of new car smell. Anything when you're in a pinch!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Maybe this time....

My little songbird is at it again. Rehearsing for another competition with her vocal coach.
.Her latest song is "Maybe this Time" from Caberet. ( I swear this soul was on Broadway in another life). Can't get this song out of my head....maybe cause it's so apropos right now.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Normally I don't eat junk, I eat pretty healthy. But today I consumed, not ONE, but TWO Big Hunk bars AND a bag of swedish fish. This is what happens when my planets are not in alignment. Not too mention, it was Taco Tuesday...
i feel like a bloated goat.
I'm gonna go call my peeps for support....

Monday, July 12, 2010

Nothing but the Truth

Wondering what I've been up to? Here's a glimpse, on what has been keeping me so busy on the link below and meet my new boss. (and I thought I'd be taking some time off, LOL)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

An MJ Day at Disney

Gina, Garth, Rebeckah and I accompanied Jeffrey to the MJ Fan Tribute Day at Disneyland. Jeffrey was stopped every 2 feet for autographs and pictures. Even the Disney characters wanted to pose with "Michael". We had barely made it down Main St. (that took an hour) when 2 Security guards asked Jeffrey to change his outfit. Now mind you, it is MJ day and he had permission to dress like MJ, plus there were other impersonators in the park, HOWEVER, the security guards informed us that Jeffrey was getting more attention than the characters and taking away what Disney was all about. Jeffrey had no other clothes, so they asked him to take off his make-up instead. We thought that was funny, because Jeffrey still looks like Michael with out it. Disney Security said if they saw him pose with one more guest and/or sign an autograph, they would escort him out of the park. Come on Disney, he's here to promote the Captain EO ride. Not to be dismayed by these "debbie downer" security guards, we instead had a birthday party for Jeffrey to celebrate his 23rd. You rock, Jeffrey!