Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Life just got in the way.....

I miss you, all of you.  I have been blogging here since 2006. That does not even seem possible and during those seven years, I've shared a lot.
Some were successes, a few big hurdles, take~your~breath away moments, a broken heart and puddles of tears. A few of you have been here since the start, beginning with my divorce after a two decade marriage, two moves, new jobs, two job layoffs, a fairy tale romance, the sudden death of my mum, followed within months by my employer and friend, Michael Jackson and then wrapping it all up with the loss of my home.  Whew, I should write a country song. But you were always there, my cheerleaders, my lifelines.
I recently read my blog from top to bottom and realized something has changed. I've changed. Now that the planets seem more in alignment, I blog less and less and then NOTHING. I don't like that.  I don't like that I am spread in too many directions, and have lost my creativity and joy of writing,  some days feeling like a one-armed wall paper hanger.
My blog began on a very personal level, it was like a journal, that was shared with all of you. It was like therapy. It was the real and the raw  me. 
Where did I go? Who knows.  Life settled down into a dull roar, between my refinishing furniture, shabbying up my booth, working at the baby store, being a senior citizen to a 19 year old and experiencing one of my proudest moments yet, a grandmother or T-Ma as I've been dubbed to my beautiful grandaughter, Scarlett Marie.
But dang it, I miss my blog.  I miss the c-r-a-z-y moments we all shared.  I miss my energy.  I miss that old me.
So its time for a change.  Winds of change.
I want me back......and I've got a plan.  A big one.  I hope you'll stick around and join me on this next journey.  It will be an adventure complete with giggles and kleenex.
Welcome back to us both :)

Monday, February 4, 2013


Tomorrow, it will be four years.  Four years since we said our goodbyes. So much has happened while you've been gone, but I know from that balcony in heaven you've seen it all....the joys and the sorrows, the laughter and the pain ~ we call life.

I treasure those white feathers you leave to let me know you are present.  It's your way of letting us all know we are not alone, and that there is so much more to this life on earth than what we can see.  I've saved them all Mom, and have quite the collection :)    They bring me such peace and a smile.

   I call them my "angel" feathers, because only angels with wings from above can leave them.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Can we talk here?

 OK, T-MA.

Enough is enough.  You haven't blogged in over 2 months.

I know I'm delicious and cute, but it is time to put me down and get back to blogging.  Just because you have 3 part time jobs, a new grandbaby, a teenager, and a swell guy in your life,  doesn't mean you can't share your adventures anymore!

I'm serious T-MA, just look at my face, I mean it.  No blogging, no cuddling.

I'm watching you......
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