Monday, September 28, 2009

Quote of the Week

"It's the same old wine in a brand new bottle"
- Jim Messina

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

High School Daze

Chelsea and Jimmy having too much fun! They call this the "raptor" dance.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quote of the Week

You'll never move forward if - you don't take your eyes off the rear view mirror!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"the love inside, you take it with you"

Normally I have no problem putting my thoughts into words. They normally just flow. But tonight, they are stuck. Just like the lump in my throat. But its a good lump, and the tears are good tears. (deep breath). The movie "Ghost" was on TV tonight and I probably haven't watched that in over a decade. I own a VHS copy. So when Patrick Swayze delivered that line tonight to Demi Moore, "the love inside, you take it with you", I felt my breath catch and the tears roll. Not sad tears, but happy tears. Because now I knew.
It was in that moment I realized it is TRUE, they do take our love with them when they go. Because my Mom just said see, she always sends me a sign .....and that VHS copy of "Ghost" I mentioned.......that was a birthday gift from my Mom.....over a decade ago.

And because I got to share this moment with someone who didn't laugh at me when I cried ... Because he cried too.

Pass the Kleenex.

Friday, September 18, 2009

In answer to your questions....

I've had that tattoo since I was 45. It is on my "backside" right above my right hip. It really didn't hurt, felt like I was being scratched lightly by a sharp pencil when it was being applied. I do like the suggestion of adding a 3rd butterfly to represent my 3 change the original meaning of it.

thanks for asking....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What was I thinking?

I just lost the bet. So now I have to show it.

Here's my tattoo.
It's amazing how the things you want to last forever....don't. And those you don'

Does anyone have an eraser?

They Say......

....that which doesn't kill you makes you friends, I outta have buns of steel by now!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Halloween came early...

While filling my car with gas yesterday, a man approached and asked me "is that real"? I said is what real? He said this new hood ornament you have here on the front of your car. I came around to the front and shrieked. Even I had to take a second look, and yes it is a real bat. Goodness knows how long I've been driving around with that creature embedded in my grille. And he won't come off. (I'm assuming it is a he). There isn't a stick big enough to make me peel that off the car, so for now, I have renamed my Escape, the Batmobile and now friends, I am off to Gotham City....or maybe the Batcave.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Quote of the Week

Don't cry because it's because it happened!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Only During a Full Moon........

I have to share the following TEXT conversation my girlfriend just had (with her permission of course). Robin and I have been friends since 5th grade, in fact, I just saw her in Arizona a few weeks back. My comments are in red. Here's the text she received....verbatim....

Text: Hey how are you?
Robin: Who is this? Don't recognize the #.
Text: Tracy. I'm not sure i have right number, its been awhile, it may have changed.
Robin: Funny. My son just looked up the area code and said it is santa barbara. I said augh...Must be Tracy! I'm great. How are you? I just got back from Park City, where it was nice and cool!
Text: Im doing alright, thanks. Is it ok im texting? (hmmm, this sounds odd)
Robin: Of course.
Text: Ok, i just wasn't sure and didn't want to cause trouble (double hmmm)
Robin: How's the dating life?
Text: Haha, it doesn't exist. I'm beginning to think i will be single forever. How is the romance with you?
Robin: Non existent. Funny, I wanted to get my kids raised and wait to get involved and now that I'm done, I'm scared to death., I have a great life. I guess I'm afraid i'll mess it up,
Text: Why are you afraid of messing it up?
Robin: I guess I'm happy and afraid the wrong person will make me unhappy,
Text: Yeah, I can understand that. Sometimes the risk is the fun part, as long as you don't lose who you are in the process you will always be happy.
Robin: I guess I'm afraid. Hoping I'll get over it sometime soon. I've been burned a couple of times and seem to choose the wrong kind of guy. I don't seem to like the nice ones.
Now here it comes............prepare yourself...........
Text: Well women aren't much easier, trust me, two people PMSing in the house at the same time is not a good thing! You would think being a lesbian in today's society would be easy, it's really not. Anyhow were is Park City?
Robin: (after she has picked up the phone she just dropped in shock)
Drumroll..................I'm sure Robin is dying right now....................
Text: NO....... sorry maybe we have the wrong people......LMAO (laugh my ass off) ......Who is this??
Robin: Sorry about that. Its been two years or so..have a good night. Thanks for the convo tho.
Could you just DIE at this point, you have just exchanged 17 text messages with a complete stranger!! And almost learned that your girl friend might be a lesbian!!! I am still laughing.
It was definitely a full moon! But the odds of this person having my same first name are quite unbelievable!!!!!

Chelsea's Great Week

Chelsea landed the role of Lorraine Sheldon in "The Man who came to Dinner" (play will be in December) and then she auditioned on Friday and was awarded a Dance Scholarship at the Los Olivos Dance Gallery. Yahoo!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

And now the sun has finally set.....

Good Night Michael - Peace at Last.