Monday, September 7, 2009

Only During a Full Moon........

I have to share the following TEXT conversation my girlfriend just had (with her permission of course). Robin and I have been friends since 5th grade, in fact, I just saw her in Arizona a few weeks back. My comments are in red. Here's the text she received....verbatim....

Text: Hey how are you?
Robin: Who is this? Don't recognize the #.
Text: Tracy. I'm not sure i have right number, its been awhile, it may have changed.
Robin: Funny. My son just looked up the area code and said it is santa barbara. I said augh...Must be Tracy! I'm great. How are you? I just got back from Park City, where it was nice and cool!
Text: Im doing alright, thanks. Is it ok im texting? (hmmm, this sounds odd)
Robin: Of course.
Text: Ok, i just wasn't sure and didn't want to cause trouble (double hmmm)
Robin: How's the dating life?
Text: Haha, it doesn't exist. I'm beginning to think i will be single forever. How is the romance with you?
Robin: Non existent. Funny, I wanted to get my kids raised and wait to get involved and now that I'm done, I'm scared to death., I have a great life. I guess I'm afraid i'll mess it up,
Text: Why are you afraid of messing it up?
Robin: I guess I'm happy and afraid the wrong person will make me unhappy,
Text: Yeah, I can understand that. Sometimes the risk is the fun part, as long as you don't lose who you are in the process you will always be happy.
Robin: I guess I'm afraid. Hoping I'll get over it sometime soon. I've been burned a couple of times and seem to choose the wrong kind of guy. I don't seem to like the nice ones.
Now here it comes............prepare yourself...........
Text: Well women aren't much easier, trust me, two people PMSing in the house at the same time is not a good thing! You would think being a lesbian in today's society would be easy, it's really not. Anyhow were is Park City?
Robin: (after she has picked up the phone she just dropped in shock)
Drumroll..................I'm sure Robin is dying right now....................
Text: NO....... sorry maybe we have the wrong people......LMAO (laugh my ass off) ......Who is this??
Robin: Sorry about that. Its been two years or so..have a good night. Thanks for the convo tho.
Could you just DIE at this point, you have just exchanged 17 text messages with a complete stranger!! And almost learned that your girl friend might be a lesbian!!! I am still laughing.
It was definitely a full moon! But the odds of this person having my same first name are quite unbelievable!!!!!

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