I've traded in my Steve Madden heels and Calvin Klein suits and picked up my
PINK hammer and a can of white paint. After Michael died, I spent years trying to find another position, in and out of the entertainment industry, but they were all like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Nothing fit. Years of lay-offs, rejection letters and unaswered calls. I felt like a horse put out to pasture before her time.

And then I thought, if they won't hire me, I'll hire myself. I will follow my passion....just like I blogged about
HERE almost a year to the day. Do what you Love. Love what you Do. It began with an old hutch on Craig's List (I just love Craig and his List) and a dream.
I bought it sight unseen for $40 bucks. I borrowed Mr. Moto's truck to pick it up and schlepped it back to his house. Grabbed my Annie Sloan chalk paint and went at it. Mr. Moto asked if I needed help "distressing it". Sure, I replied and he left for the garage, presumably to grab some sandpaper.

Instead he returned with two motorcycle chains and begain to beat the hell out of it. I just stood back and watched. I can't imagine what his neighbors thought. There he was on the front lawn swinging motorcyle chains wildly and bashing my "new" antique hutch. Wood chips were flying. I then finished painting it white.....
It sold a week later. And so it began.

I am now a Picker. Yes folks, a Picker. A full time professional Picker. I can be found in thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets and yes, I've even been known to
slam on brakes slow down and pick up
junk treasures left on the curb as well.
I LOVE to repurpose things. Almost everything is painted white, and the chippier, the shabbier, the better.
These last five years have been filled with enormous change and growth. Beginning with the deepest hurt and sadness I've ever known, to fear, sheer panic and fight for survival, to acceptance, contentment and now finally.....peace.
Now, I've become me. Just plain and simple me. And I love it! And through this journey, I have learned, per Pooh
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
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