I don't know about you, but lately I have had the worst case of insomnia. Monday night was insane. Went to bed about 12:30, still awake at 1:30. Tried reading, warm milk, infommercials, and even blogging. Nothing worked. It is now 2:30....what to do...can't seem to turn my mind off. Could it be that there are 2 full moons this month? Hmmm, maybe I could listen to a nice, calm C

D. Get up and start the search, only to find "Greatest Hits from the 70's", "Bad Boy Ballads" and
"Three Dog Night's Greatest Hits" stuffed in my nightstand. Geez, am I stuck in the 70's or what. But now I remember Chelsea used to have some CD's that she would drift off to sleep with. It is now 3:15 and I am on my hands and knees rummaging thru Chelsea' s CD collection. Ahhhh, at last a CD titled "Dream Scape". Happily I climb back in bed, load the CD in my lap top and wait for Mr. Sandman. I glance one last time at the clock, 4:15. Wonderful, I leave in 3 hours to drive Miss Rona to LA. At last my eyes feel heavy, I'm beginning to drift away, feeling warm and fuzzy, being lulled to sleep by the sound of waves gently washing up on shore, the sound of an occasional seagull and then sudden silence. My lap top just died. No problem, I'll just plug in the power cord..............but wait, where is the cord? Rip my bedroom apart only to remember it's in my car, downstairs out on the driveway in the dark where the boogeyman lives. Oh hell with it. What's on my mind you say? If I told you, your brain would explode. Oh look, the sun is coming up now. Lovely........sweet dreams everyone.
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