Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Aaaah, Thanksgiving.

One of my favorite times of year. A time to reflect on all the many blessings we have in life and the memories.

Thanksgiving morning always found Mom in the kitchen preparing the turkey. If I close my eyes, I can smell that wonderful aroma of onions and

celery browning in butter on the stove for the stuffing. I’d watch as Mom pulled out all the innards of the turkey and then boiled a few bits for the gravy and for Dad. Then Dad would appear and make his infamous sage stuffing. Yum.

I’d sit glued to the telly watching the Macy’s Day parade, because you know who always appeared at the end …...........S A N T A …… and that meant the countdown to Christmas!!!

This Thanksgiving, my tribe and I are going “over the woods and thru the dell” or should I say “over the desert and across the river” to Laughlin to visit Dad and Rosemary.

This will be the second time we’ve spent Turkey Day there as a family. Love new traditions!

I have a lot to be thankful for ~

a new grandbaby on the way

a new job

a place to live

a loving fella

wonderful friends


one awesome family

And a HUGE thank you to all my friends who visit this blog and your loving comments. We just hit the 10,000 visits mark. You are awesome!


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