I've pretty much got it down to a science between the newspaper ads, my Garage "Saler" AP on my iphone and Craigslist, but I do sometimes rely on your signs ..... and that folks leaves somethin' to be desired.
OK, I'll start with the pretty one, I appreciate the time and the colors you invested, but people, when I'm driving at 35 mph, I cannot read in pastels nor can I get past the dots. Keep them simple, and on hard cardboard, otherwise they bend in the wind making reading difficult unless my head spins like Linda Blair.

Always use a THICK, BLACK SHARPIE, for those of us blind as bats who can't even read a dinner menu. Brig

Next we have the "catchy" ones. What may I ask is a "Sexy" garage sale??? Who is sexy at 6:00 a.m. lugging their crap down the driveway?
And, the BIGGER the BETTER. Think billboards!!
And last but not least, PLEASE take down your signs otherwise, you will end up with a me on your driveway next week at 7 AM knocking on your door lookin' for the shabb

Outstanding and straight to the point, like the signs should be..But along with all this is the description of the SIZE! And size does matter. Huge? Gigantic? Colossal? Big? I don't care, but, then again I'm a guy. I don't look at someones size. How about just "Yard Sale". That seems to say it all!