However, it was also filled with some very tough goodbyes for me -
My first goodbye was when we closed Neverland -

Then suddenly, on February 5th, my Mom died. There are no words to describe that kind of pain and loss. It still doesn't seem real, I keep thinking she's going to walk thru my door any day now. But I was very blessed to have my Mom in my life for 50 years and she's still with me every day in my heart.
And then on June 25th, Michael died, needlessly. I was at work when I got the news, I couldn't even breathe. I went into the same trance like state as when my mom passed, I had spent almost a decade of my life working for Michael thru the good, bad and the ugly. And I will say this, I wouldn't trade a moment of that time with him. They were both taken from me way too soon, but NO ONE will ever be able to take away their love and their memories from me.
But I'm still smiling because I had so many blessings in my life this year as well.
Both Carly and Kyle purchased their very first homes and live within walking distance from me.
My boss Bruce, beat his cancer of Hodgekin's Lymphoma and has a positive outcome on this disease.
Chelsea continues to act and sing, coming in 2nd in the Valley Idol Contest this year and receiving a standing ovation for her performance in Guys and Dolls this summer.
And I, ladies and gentleman, have some huge plans in 2010. The forecast is bright, I'm going to "grab that brass ring" as someone :) said to me recently. This is gonna be my year, I 've earned it and I deserve it! So hold on, the best is yet to come!
Happy New Year to You and Yours! XOXOXO
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