Monday, June 29, 2009

Thank you for all your kindness and love these past few days, the reality is setting in and there just doesn't seem to be enough Kleenex. Just know how much I appreciate ALL of you reaching out. Especially those hugs, A.
Always, Trace

Friday, June 26, 2009

When you wish upon a star....

I've just returned from a visit to Neverland. The new owner was so gracious to let me in, just one last time to say my goodbye. The beauty will take your breath away, nestled in a valley, surrounded by trees, lakes and wildlife. Such serenity and peace.

You could feel Michael everywhere, in the rustle of the tree branches, in the birds singing, in the trickle of the streams and just for a moment, when I closed my eyes and said my final goodbye, I could hear all the children laughing, the steam train whistling, and the spinning of the amusement rides all over again.

Thank you Michael for Neverland and all it's magic!

And as I say goodbye, I can still hear you softly singing ' when you wish upon a star".........

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I am Speechless....

Today, we lost a legend. My heart aches for Prince, Paris and Blanket... they just lost their Daddy and my arms surround them . Michael touched so many lives, and I was blessed to be one of them.
As a teen, his posters graced my bedroom walls, who knew in my wildest dreams, I would end up working for him. How lucky was I? I began at Neverland in 1997 and was there until the end. Neverland gave sooo much, to sooo many. It was magical and wishes really did come true. I am filled with such fond memories and I know that my Neverland family grieves with me today.
You wll be so missed, but I will always have a piece of you in my heart and that brings a big smile and even a giggle!
Thanks Boss!
God bless you Michael.....may you sing with the Angels above.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Quote of the Week

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass's about learning how to dance in the rain!"

Quote from a friend

Trace, you are just "geographically undesirable".
Thanks Wendy, I've been called a lot of things, but that's a new one!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The !!%$$#$%# Quiche Caper

OK, today was not my day! I can only use one eye as the other has an infection in it. So, I can only wear ONE contact, the one for I can see things miles away, but absolutely nothing up close. Eye MD says its time for lasek, sure dude, are you paying? Anyway, it's my day to cook dinner for Bruce, (my boss who is undergoing yucky chemo right now). Anyone that knows me, knows how much I love to cook, I'm serious, I really do until TODAY. I asked Bruce what he wanted........Quiche sweat, that's easy. So I whip up the quiche and set it in the preheated oven, and then it happened. Not thinking, I shoved the oven rack into place and the quiche overflowed and slopped everywhere. All over the bottom, sides and racks of the oven. I gasp! and then before thinking again, I grab the quiche to remove it only to have the FLIMSY aluminum pie tin fold in half and spill the remaining liquid of the quiche all over the oven window door. Now, I scream..................NO NO NO NO NO! So now there is quiche cooking or should I say burning on the bottom of the oven and smoke billowing out, so I grab some paper towels. I get on my knees, stick my head in the 425 degree oven only to recoil as I feel my remaining contact lens nearly melt on my one remaining eyeball. OMG, I am now blind. Smoke fills the house, Smoke alarm is screaming, and my dog is barking like a chihuahua on steriods. I just stand in the middle of the kitchen screaming the F bomb. I am blindly waving pillows at smoke alarm so it will stop SHREIKING, my dog won't stop barking because I am sure the smoke alarm has peeled the skin from his ear drums and the smoke is quickly filling the whole house. I felt like a one armed wall paper hanger. I am certain the Fire Dept. will be here any minute, as they are right next door to my little neighborhood. And hey, where is the hunky fireman that lives across the street when you need him? For 15 more agonzing minutes, that dang smoke alarm rang. I removed my shriveled contact and just sat on the floor and cried, but then started to laugh and then couldn't stop laughing. That deep in your belly laugh, that we all need! I am now completely sightless, my house smells like a campfire, and I have no quiche for my boss!! Could this day get any better? Anyway, I had enough ingredients and an extra pie shell, so onto quiche number 2. This time I didn't almost set the house on fire and "voila" a new quiche was made!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


The day I returned to work after my mother's passing, I found a beautiful white feather on the door mat at the office front door. I picked it up, not giving it much thought and put it in my purse. Several days later at the bottom of the office stairs, I found another white feather. Odd, I've never seen these feathers around here before, but they were so unique, I picked this one up also and have both of them on my visor in my car. Several months later, my sister Gina gave me this book......and several months after that I finally began to read the book.
The first chapter...............The White Feather.......

I am fifty one years old, I've given birth, had major surgery, lost jobs, been divorced, buried close friends and lost the love of my life, but none compare to the heartache I felt when my Mom died.
That was a pain so searing, the scar tissue still wraps my heart, but as time goes by, the wound softens, each and every time I receive a sign from my mom.

You see, those feathers are from her, its her way of telling me she's ok. She and I had this special "connection". I felt her pass thru me moments before she died. It was an incredible rush of warmth that took my breath away, and then filled me with peace. She leaves little signs every now and then, there's no rhyme or reason, whether it be feathers, butterflies or sometimes just a gentle breeze, but she and I both know that's her way of reaching out and for that I am so grateful. Thank you, Mom....I hear you. P.S. How many more times is my baby picture going to fall off my mirror? That's the one I love the best!!!

I found this on my nightstand

the morning after I took Chelsea and 4 of her friends to Disneyland for her 16th birthday. I love the Cinderella slipper! It has so many different meanings to me. These are the moments that melt a mothers heart!

Silly Sixteen

Chelsea and friends celebrating sweet sixteen!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Monday!

What a nice start to the week. A dozen yellow roses from your boss, to just say "thank you".
You're welcome, Bruce!

Quote of the Week

"You've only known speed boats, now its time for sail boats."

Thanks know me so well!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Quote of the Week

Every pot has its lid!!!!!!!!!

Castles, Castles and More Castles!!

This one I KNOW was haunted. I not only felt it, but we have pictures to prove it.

The first castle we visited sat on this bluff by the sea. The picture below is part of the ruins left.

Finally, some more pictures from Wales........

Here's my cousin Doug, the actor, (now we know where Chelsea's gets it) with my Dad.
My uncle Harry, Doug's Dad. After meeting Harry, (Mom's brother), I see where my blue eyes come from!

Troy helping my Dad navigate in London.

Dad and I at Mom's grave site.

And Dad waiting on his daughters, as usual.