Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shame On You

Shame on you, Conrad Murray.

You knew, you knew everything and still you didn’t stop the madness! You took it further than it had ever been before. You are like all the rest, caught up in the “celebrity” of it all and not in the human who needed to be helped.

And then you taped him, so now the world is left with that horrific memory of his slurred and drugged speech. And even then, you still did nothing. He was your patient, not your meal ticket.

I am sickened beyond words, between the tape recording and the picture on his death bed now etched in our minds, Michael left this world without a shred of dignity. He did not deserve that, nor did his family.
That would N E V E R have happened at Neverland. WE loved him too much. We cared. He wasn't just our boss, he was our friend. We were family.

Thankfully, my last moment with him was a giddy one. There were giggles and laughter coupled with that infectious smile and playfulness. It’s a snapshot moment that still brings a smile to my face….even now thru my tears.

Shame on you.............

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm Home

Back from Virginia City and Reno and this is what I come home too.

No matter where I go, I always love comin' home to the sunsets on the beach.

Just a Cali girl thru and thru.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thanks Eleanor

Eleanor Roosevelt once said "do something every day that scares you", she obviously was never a single woman.

But that got me thinking. Many things that scare me I have no control over. They just happen, I can't stop them, I face them and its done. However, what if I got to pick things that scared me and I overcame my fears? Would I find courage like the Cowardly Lion in Oz? Hmmm.

So over the last few days I decided to try a few things. I leapt down the staircase while in heels and landed it, only to slip on the linoleum in the hallway. I drank expired milk. I ran 3 red lights on the way to work, (ok so I live in Mayberry), but still.

Or maybe I could have walked outside waving one of Dad's golf clubs high in the air during our thunderstorm last Friday, or ignored my jury summons this week or better yet drank a cup of lake water (that one's for you Ashley).....the possibilities are endless.

But after careful consideration, these acts could have rendered me sick, in jail, unemployed, in the hospital or dead. So maybe I should just stick with the daily fears I don't get to chose and be surprised.
I am still gagging over the lake water one.......

Monday, September 12, 2011


We will always remember the Eleventh of September.

That was the day we witnessed hell on earth.
That was the day the world stopped turning.
We are without question, a more fractured nation and we lost our innocence that day.
I visited Ground Zero several years ago.
It was overwhelming. The silence was deafening.
I was surrounded by others , but no words were spoken among us. Just a quiet respect to those victims who had hopes and dreams. To those people who were just trying to go to work and earn a living for their families, just like us.
But we rose from the ashes, I believe stronger and united.
We are kinder and more patriotic.
We didn't sweat the small stuff.
I still can't get thru the Star Spangled Banner without tears and I always take the opportunity to thank a person in uniform with a nod or handshake for their bravery and protection.
But most of all, I want you to hug the one you are with right now and tell them how much you love them ~
Because you can...........

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh Bummer ~ It's the end of Summer

but we bid farewell with a bang! Spent an incredible weekend at the lake with my peep, Patty and her adorable family. There was boating, jet skiing, wake boarding, knee boarding, paddle boarding and tubing. And yours truly tried the tubing. Now I can take that off my bucket list. Nothing a few Advil didn't cure the next day. Spent lazy hours on the dock and awesome boat rides flying across the lake. Beautiful weather, about 98 degrees and nice cool nights. Pitched a tent on their dock and drifted off to the chorus of chirping crickets, jumping fish and crisp cool breezes. Meet my new life coach, 4 year old Kate. I learned more this weekend from this darlin than any therapist ever. I learned how to wear a life vest as a diaper and float in the lake. While floating in my "diaper" drinking a beer, she adamently asked if I was old enough to have that drink.

I asked her how old she thought I was and she said....wait for it...... sixteen!

While I was applying make-up, she asked if she could use itand I said no, that it was special make-up just for me and she said do you wear that so that you won't ever get old?

If only that would stop the aging............

She asked if I was married and then gave me some firm instructions on that subject too!

Ahhh, from the mouths of babes.

And then there was the fishing from the dock. Check out this catfish! Hours later, it was barbq'd and on our dinner table.And then there was the floating outhouse. The SS something. You fill in the blank.But lastly, there was the beautiful sunrise every morning bringing us a new day filled with laughter, great friends and new memories. Til we meet summer.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Miss Noel

OK Blogland, need your good thoughts and prayers for Miss Noel.
Noel is my sister Gina's golden retriever who was bitten this weekend in the face by a rattlesnake on their property.
Sadly, she may lose her eye, we'll know in the next few days.

Luckily, she had previously been given the rattlesnake vaccine, which played a huge roll in saving her life.
She is home now recuperating.
Hugs to Gina and her family right now and thanks for sending them good thoughts.

Noel is wagging her tail to thank you.