Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th You All!

Hope you all had a wonderful and safe 4th.

Mr. Moto got a new girlfriend. Her name is Kawasaki. She was born in 2012 and she is a hot 450! We spent Saturday morning at the track with her in the 95 degree weather and then headed to the Beach where it was almost 20 degrees cooler.
That's where we tried a new sport...kayaking. After a few important pointers, we were ready to launch. Final words were "keep the kayak straight as you enter the ocean". Andy was on the left side and I on the right as we pushed forward over the surf. And then it happened. Kayak was no longer straight, it was now sideways(my side) in the surf. As much as Mr. Moto tried to keep it straight, the surf had a mind and a strength of its own. Suddenly,
I felt the weight of the crashing wave and the kayak upon me. My little left chicken leg was no match for their strength. But I stood strong, like an idiot, determined not to go down as my leg was screaming to do otherwise. Andy is yelling jump in, jump in and I did as you only have a small window of opportunity until the next swell hits. We paddled out into the glassy ocean. It was awesome and quite peaceful out on the sea. I was secretly hoping I'd grow a new leg while we were out enjoying the ocean. We were also told to keep the kayak straight upon returning to land, so as not to barrel role it coming back in. We had a smooth beach landing and then I tried to step out of the kayak. My left leg buckled and I hopped around the sand like a one legged pirate. I couldn't put any weight on it. It hurt like hell. I was wincing with every step unable to put my foot down. Mr. Moto said to "walk it off". Grrrrr. OK tough guy! I hobbled over and dropped into my beach chair, and suddenly a glass of wine and 2 Advil appear (thank you ladies!) Felt no pain soon after that and stayed on the beach until dinner. Then had a beautiful bonfire. Everyone was gathering driftwood to add to the fire. It was dark and I bent down from my seat to pick up a piece of wood that was near me for the fire. Hmmm, why does this wood feel odd...kinda soft? As I tossed it up and into the fire, I saw fur and a hoof!!!!!!OH MY GAWD, it wasn't a piece of wood, it was the front leg of a dead deer and I had just thrown it onto the bonfire. If I had had two working legs of my own, I would have jumped up and began doing the GROSS dance at this point. But I couldn't. There was not enough soap and water to get the cooties off. EEEEEEEEWWWWW. Poor Bambi. Damn coyotes. I still shudder when I think about it. Bad day for legs I guess.

Had an "old fashioned 4th of July" at the historical Stow house, saw antique tractors, pumps and farm equipment. Even a working blacksmith shop. Spent the afternoon sitting on the shady lawn listening to great country western band with an ice cold
beer. Life is good.

Watched the fireworks from Mr. Moto's roof. Got up there ok, but couldn't get down. Damn leg. Bless his heart, he had to drag out another HUGE ladder to get me off the roof. Looked like something the Fire Department would use.

Did I mention he still opens the car door too?

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