We had just applied color when it happened. It was 4:50 pm, and the power went out. It came back on a minute later, and then went out for good. No problem, still daylight, we could still see and besides we were sure it would come back on again any moment, so we began putting the foil in my hair to weave in the highlights. Foils are in, time to process. Hmmmm, its been over an hour now, no power. I sit in the salon with foil head waiting. Anyone that has had this process knows that normally you are put under a dryer to speed up the "processing", i.e. making the bleach they have just put on your hair work. After 45 minutes and daylight diminishing, Heather begins to get worried. Checks the foils, nothing happening, no "lifting" of color yet. We need heat..........hmmm, I have an idea. I'll jump in my car and turn on my heater full blast and stick my foil head into the vents. Yeah, that should work. So the two of us, jump in my car with the heater on to "process" my hair. Still nothing. We then decide to go check on something...(that's an entirely different chapter) and do a "drive by" on something. So off I drive, foils in head, salon cape still wrapping my body like a moo-moo and no shoes. We drive to our location trying to be in cognito and observe. I pull into the "do not enter" part of the park-and-ride and proceed forward..............right into a busload of people who have just been dropped off......it is the equivalent of a salmon swimming upstream. I am traveling 3 mph and Heather has now slithered down to the floor of the passenger seat. Not only am I going the wrong way against oncoming cars, I have been reduced to a mile an hour to drive through the people. They just stared. I look like I have escaped perhaps from a prison salon. Hair full of foil and a beauty cape around my neck. Heather is now peeing per pants. I just nod and wave as if to say, what are you looking at, this is totally normal.....for me....at least. We finish our stake out and head back to the salon. It is now completely dark, Heather is very worried about my hair now. We use the interior lights on my car to check its status. Almost there she says. We arrive at the black salon to take the foils out. Heather lights the one and only candle she has and then I remember that "flashlight app" I had downloaded on my phone. So there we are, me holding my flashlight above my head while she rinses out the chemicals. Unable to really see the results, and unable to blow dry my hair, I head to my darkened home. Chel and I eat dinner (leftovers) by candlelight and then climb in my bed and luckily my "lappie" still has power and we insert Toy Story 3 and hunker down for the night.
Today, I see my hair for the first time......I have an interview today at 1:00 pm.....OMG.
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