Yes, I know this was weeks ago, but I'm running a little behind. Between SuperCross and SuperBowl, it was an epic weekend. Early Saturday afternoon, Mr. Moto and I head to Anaheim for the Supercross. This is normally an uneventful two and half hour drive.....but not for us. How I HATE LA TRAFFIC. We had planned to get there early enough to go into the "pits" and actually meet some of the riders, but unfortunately, we arrived moments before they closed the entrance to the pits. Dang. So we found our seats, which were AWESOME and settled down with our $9.50 beers and a basket of french fries. Watching Supecross in person and watching it on TV are two entirely different things. I never realized how FAST these guys are or how HIGH they actually jump. I still have a hard time when they crash, as Mr. Moto will attest to, as I usually dig my finger nails into his leg when this happens and scream like a baboon, yelling "get up, get up". It was incredible to see how fast James Stewart really is. It was also fun to see a very pregnant PINK there (apparently she is married to a motorcross guy named Corey Hart). See the things I learn? And also new terminology like "hole shot" and "rhythm section". It was just us and 45,000 other fans at a sold out show. Loved it, absolutely loved it! And then Sunday brought us the Superbowl. Packers vs. Steelers. Of course, I'm a Packers fan, I mean I've actually dined on cheese curds for goodness sake and dated someone from Wisconsin! Doesn't that make me an honorary fan? Superbowl to me means football, good food, good friends and commercials, but not necessarily in that order. This year I FINALLY got to enjoy the game at the gorgeous home of Leslie and Julian G. and their family. And there was food, LOTS and LOTS of food. I ate so much I had my own food baby growing. Those melt in your mouth ribs, carnesada tacos, "grandpa's beans", and the chocolate fondue fountain, to name a few, were killer. And then there was the Game, slow at first but then a wallup of an ending. Great Day. Great Friends. That's what its all about.
It's not quite the book you've all told me to write, but it's the next closest thing....for now....until I write that novel!!
I hope you enjoy my day to day experiences as a single mom with 3 incredible kids, beginning a new chapter in my life! Here's the highlights of the past three years!
Yay! Go Packers! PS love your new blog background!