Last Friday was the one year anniversary of Michael's death. With a lumpy throat, I drove out to Neverland and stood with the fans at the gate. It has been a year since I was there last. In my wildest dreams, would I have ever imagined I would be on the outside of that gate looking in. I wept.
That evening I attended the tribute in Solvang and was asked to share and read the tribute I wrote for the Memorial and a few funny stories about Michael.

Before several hundred guests, I shared my story and was told my voice only cracked a few times. Whew!
There were lots of hugs that night, a few tears, and lots and lots of dancing and celebrating MJ's life. It was there that I met Jeffrey Perez, an MJ impersonator. Jeffrey speaks, moves, dances and sings so much like Michael, it gave me chills. It was if he was channeling Michael that evening.
He made what I thought was going to be an unbearable day, wonderful.
My sister Gina from Sacramento and
and Mr. Moto attended the event with me. Kudos to you Andy for learning the Thriller dance. And thank you Gina for your support. Isn't that what sisters are for?