Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One Last Kiss Good Bye

What an incredible tribute. So many emotions, laughter, tears and oh so many sweet memories of you.
You rocked this world like no one ever will.
I'll miss you my friend.


  1. Hi, watched the memorial on TV and thought of you a lot. I was emotional here in my living room, I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for you. Let’s get together soon. Love--Suzanne

  2. Thank You Tracy... for sharing such a heart felt story of the "True" Michael and Neverland. It truly was one of the "happiest places on Earth"for awhile. He brought so much good into our lives, he kept us young! We will truly miss his youthful spirit! God Bless, Maureen

  3. Hey Tracy,

    I just finished watching the Tivo of the memorial. Wow! It was lovely and very moving. I am so glad you got to be there with all of your co-workers and friends. I have been thinking of you a lot over these past weeks and hoping that you are doing ok and hanging in there. I am looking forward to seeing you at Loie’s in August, it will be so great to see everyone then and get some R&R and laugh like we always do!! I will hug you when I see you but until then, consider yourself hugged –tight!


