Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

Time to wash another year away..... and thank goodness! That was not one of my finer moments.

Time for a clean slate and new beginnings.

Santa gave me the gift that keeps on giving on Christmas Eve ...... the stomach flu. Ugh! And then because I am such a giver, I gave it to Mr. Moto on Christmas. Merry Christmas Darlin'. Scratch that holiday!

So now that I've got my sea legs back, I'm ready for a brand new adventure, and some C H A N G E S, because this a year filled with HOPE and I'm following my bliss. .... bout time!

Wishing you a wonderful and prosperous twenty twelve, filled with everything your heart might desire.

Love ya all ~ Trace

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Wanna Go Glampin'

Someday, in this lifetime, I want to find me a little vintage trailer to call my own. Just a tiny one, maybe from the year I was born, and fix it up my way and go glampin'.Oh the possibilities are endless. I even have the color scheme and theme picked out. You all know how much I love to decorate. I would take it to Yosemite, and down country roads and camp next to rivers and the Sea. We'd go to flea markets together and vintage trailer gatherings. Just me and my gal. She'd be a she, of course cause there'd be curtains involved.

Hmmm, what would we name her? Any suggestions?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Christmas List

Share the Simple Things





Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Poppa Jerry

Heavy heart today. "Grampa Jerry", my former father-in-law and Chelsea's grandpa, passed suddenly this week.

It's our memories that sustain us during times like these and over our 2 decades together, we made some great ones! He teased me relentlessly and we had some gut bustin' laughs that once made tears run down my legs. Did you really eat that Pizza with gravel in it, Poppa? And those awesome beans......thanks for finally sharing that recipe with me after years of begging! From our travels to NYC and Rice Camp, we had some damn good times. Whenever I have a Margarita, enjoy a tri-tip or ride in a golf cart, I'll think of you Poppa.

Raising my marg glass to you Sir ~ Salute!

Happy Trails Poppa!


Sparrow Ass

Friday, December 2, 2011

I Brake for Garage Sales

Ok, Can we talk here? You know, I love me a great garage sale but sometimes just finding them requires NASA's assistance!

I've pretty much got it down to a science between the newspaper ads, my Garage "Saler" AP on my iphone and Craigslist, but I do sometimes rely on your signs ..... and that folks leaves somethin' to be desired.

OK, I'll start with the pretty one, I appreciate the time and the colors you invested, but people, when I'm driving at 35 mph, I cannot read in pastels nor can I get past the dots. Keep them simple, and on hard cardboard, otherwise they bend in the wind making reading difficult unless my head spins like Linda Blair.

A tip...when making your signs, remember the person trying to read them is barely awake and only on their first cup of coffee....if they're lucky.

Always use a THICK, BLACK SHARPIE, for those of us blind as bats who can't even read a dinner menu. Bright colors help too, not to mention ARROWS!!

Next we have the "catchy" ones. What may I ask is a "Sexy" garage sale??? Who is sexy at 6:00 a.m. lugging their crap down the driveway?

And, the BIGGER the BETTER. Think billboards!!

And last but not least, PLEASE take down your signs otherwise, you will end up with a me on your driveway next week at 7 AM knocking on your door lookin' for the shabby, chippy piece of furniture!