Ok, Can we talk here? You know, I love me a great garage sale but sometimes just finding them requires NASA's assistance!
I've pretty much got it down to a science between the newspaper ads, my Garage "Saler" AP on my iphone and Craigslist, but I do sometimes rely on your signs ..... and that folks leaves somethin' to be desired.
OK, I'll start with the pretty one, I appreciate the time and the colors you invested, but people, when I'm driving at 35 mph, I cannot read in pastels nor can I get past the dots. Keep them simple, and on hard cardboard, otherwise they bend in the wind making reading difficult unless my head spins like Linda Blair.

A tip...when making your sig

ns, remember the person trying to read them is barely awake and only on their first cup of coffee....if they're lucky.
Always use a THICK, BLACK SHARPIE, for those of us blind as bats who can't even read a dinner menu. Brig

ht colors help too, not to mention ARROWS!!
Next we have the "catchy" ones. What may I ask is a "Sexy" garage sale??? Who is sexy at 6:00 a.m. lugging their crap down the driveway?
And, the BIGGER the BETTER. Think billboards!!
And last but not least, PLEASE take down your signs otherwise, you will end up with a me on your driveway next week at 7 AM knocking on your door lookin' for the shabb

y, chippy piece of furniture!