Here is what the paths looked like at the resort. We were in Building 21. Our first day we ended up at a time share. We went because we wanted the 2 free Tickets to Xcaret, a real cool water park next to our resort. We ended up with 2 free tickets, a beach bag, a t-shirt and a bottle of Kahlua (which was confiscated at the Cancun airport). By the time, the time share people got done with us, they had dropped the price significantly and offered us two weeks in Costa Rica to join. They asked Mr. Moto what he thought and he said....."I'd rather go jump in that pool outside".

We used our free tickets to go to the Xcaret park. I have never walked so much in my life. My blisters had blisters. The humidity was insane. My hair became 4 inches shorter and 4 inches wider. I looked like Bozo the Clown. Thank goodness for hair clips.

I took a million outfits but lived in flipflops, a bikini, and a sarong.

There was a stow-away. Ever since Troy got his passport, there has been no stopping him.
We loved the Chel-Ha park. Thats where discovered "Hammock Island". As you can see, we spent a lot of time there.
First time we went to an ATM, we asked for $100 and they gave us $100 pesos. We couldn't stop laughing, we had no idea what the heck a hundred pesos was worth. We bought a $9.00 bottle of hair conditioner and got just a little change back. So that's what $100 pesos will buy.

We got to know the staff real well at the resort, one fella in particular named Sergio. One day during one of our many conversations, Sergio says .. "Are you two married"? Nope we replied. More conversation passed. Then Sergio says "Do you two live together". Nope, we replied in unison.
More conversation passed. Then Sergio asked " Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?" And I said "we are just dating" and "this is a 7 day date". There was dead silence.....and then Sergio exclaimed.... "NO WONDER YOU BOTH LOOK SO HAPPY"!! PRICELESS, ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS

. Something to be said for the single life!!

Here's Mr. Moto wondering how he can extend this vacation........hmmm.
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