There are some moments in life where you have to chose between good and evil.
Speaking up or keeping quiet.
Sacrificing for the better or settling for the worse.
These moments can be really hard. And troubling.
I know we have all faced them, whether with people, circumstances or events and we all have chosen one or the other.
As I get older, I realize the importance of people's characteritics and how they play a key role in my life.
And a big one is T R U S T.
If you can't trust someone, there is no solid ground, no foundation to really base the relationship off of. You can pretend it is there, but a day will come when you realize it is hurting both of you.
Speaking up or keeping quiet.
Sacrificing for the better or settling for the worse.
These moments can be really hard. And troubling.
I know we have all faced them, whether with people, circumstances or events and we all have chosen one or the other.
As I get older, I realize the importance of people's characteritics and how they play a key role in my life.
And a big one is T R U S T.
If you can't trust someone, there is no solid ground, no foundation to really base the relationship off of. You can pretend it is there, but a day will come when you realize it is hurting both of you.
T R U S T is hard.
How many people with the exception of your family do you trust with your whole heart?
It takes a lot to earn my trust. And when that trust gets broken, it breaks my o'l heart, too.
I believe there are two kinds of people.
People who you have to earn the trust from gradually
People who you trust until they give you a reason not too.
I tend to fall into that second catagory.
It takes a lot to earn my trust. And when that trust gets broken, it breaks my o'l heart, too.
I believe there are two kinds of people.
People who you have to earn the trust from gradually
People who you trust until they give you a reason not too.
I tend to fall into that second catagory.
But isn't it wonderful to know you have some people in your life that you trust completely?
Like your Dad, my kids, your peeps, your sisters and sometimes that special guy in your life?
Then there is L O Y A L T Y.
Being loyal is HUGE to me.
I love knowing that I have sooo many loyal friends and family who have my back always. I admire people who are so loyal to their friends and family, that never a harsh word is spoken. I admire relationships where the loyalty is so strong that you are never alone because you will always have that person. And I am especially lucky, because I have some amazingly loyal friends and family.
So my dear ones, look for these qualities in others and in yourself. And if you find them, consider yourself lucky. They are out there, I know, I've met a few of the good ones in my travels. Even some that were solid gold.
I love knowing that I have sooo many loyal friends and family who have my back always. I admire people who are so loyal to their friends and family, that never a harsh word is spoken. I admire relationships where the loyalty is so strong that you are never alone because you will always have that person. And I am especially lucky, because I have some amazingly loyal friends and family.
So my dear ones, look for these qualities in others and in yourself. And if you find them, consider yourself lucky. They are out there, I know, I've met a few of the good ones in my travels. Even some that were solid gold.
Sometimes even when surrounded by these gems, we are faced with things that seem more than we can handle, but even during those times, when I feel I am facing something all alone, I STILL know who am, I know what I've done, I know my truths, and I know I don't need to PROVE myself to anyone because.... guess what......the Man Upstairs knows ALL of that too.
He, I and the Universe had a mightly long talk recently and I've decided to hand it all off to them, because I know I've done all I can and its time to let it go. What will be, will be....and I am at peace with that cuz it's time for a "cool change"........