Monday, March 29, 2010
Oh My Frog....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

If I've learned one jewel of wisdom along this new journey, that is it. So be assured, when I am no longer a single "single" girl, I will still dish out random advice on this blog (for those of you who were worried), just because I can..... so there~
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Just had a lovely evening with my family (sis, Gina & fam came from Sacramento, Dad & sis, Teri & Joan), friends (thank you Brenda B and my roommate Christine) and Mr. Moto (Andy).
We all we

Awesome performance, Chel! Sooo, so proud of you.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Do you ever feel like this?

Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Opening Night!
"Petra" in the ENEMY of the PEOPLE.
She plays the daughter of Dr. Stockman, the man who finds the water supply in the town is toxic, who thinks he's done the right thing and blown the whistle, only to have the town turn on him.
Great drama, Chelsea has some very angry and emotional scenes.
Hope you can make it.
March 19, 20, 25, 26 and 27th.
See you there!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Is it that time again??

A typical evening
After dinner, I begin my second job as Chelsea's chauffeur. I know many of you are saying, "l

Upon Chelsea joining me in the car at 10:00 PM, we head to McDonalds. We had one starving actress on our hands, literally. She wolfed down a Big Mac like someone just coming off the "SURVIVOR" island, slammed a sprite and finished off a bag of fries. Now arriving home, she begins homework. This is when I learn she needs something printed. No problem I 'll just pop in a new ink cartridge and off we go. WRONG - i did everything but rebuild the stupid printer, still wouldn't print. It then informs me that the "blue" ink cartridge is out, who cares, I only want black...............print you stupid thing.......OK, plan B, grab my lap top and hook it up to the laptop printer. Crap, one of the cables is missing, ok, now rip thru every drawer, cupboard, garage, in this house. Alas, looks like the kODAK camera charger cable is interchangeable with laptop printer. Put it all together and guess what.....it is related to the first printer.....it won't print, won

It is now 12:20 AM. There's a knock on my bedroom door...."thanks mommy, i love you, good nite".
Monday, March 15, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Cake Caper
Unfortunately, there were 2 who will remain nameless that couldn't wait for dessert time that evening. They snuck it and a gallon of milk into a bedroom (right past everyone while they were scrapping) and polished it off.
Boy toy TROY, the one and only beefcake was all that was left in the cake box.
Now pass that glass of milk...........
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Now You See Him...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Step back in time for a moment and listen to this video. I am filming this with one hand while the other one is trying to receive a rose. One of my favorite songs..... "I'll make love to you" by the BOYZ. This is the closest I can get to bringing you with me to these concerts.....hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Really, it isn't me...

It happened again today while making a phone call for a client -
"are you the singer TRACY CHAPMAN, i love your music"
However, maybe I should just learn a few bars of "Fast Car" or "Give Me Just One Reason" and just say yes next time, I am her..... and just roll with it! In rehearsals now......
Monday, March 1, 2010
Love Shack, Roam, and Rock Lobster...

Friday found me with a sudden invite to the B-52's concert and front row seats. My peep, Rebecka and I danced in the aisles to LOVE SHACK, ROAM and then their finale ROCK LOBSTER. (still can't get that one outta my head).
Thanks Beka!!!
During the encore, I found myself smashed up against the stage. I could have grabbed Kate's ankles!!!!!!!!!! What fun we had in the 80's!!

And then my dryer decides it doesn't want to work anymore. It tumbles for hours on end, it would still be tumbling today if I hadn't turn it off, also no heat. Learned from the appliance place it is over 10 years old, so time for a new one. CHA CHING.
And then there was the jury summons - no CHA CHING.
But my favorite part of today was having seven actinic Keratosis spots (pre cancerous) removed from my face and some on my hands. They remove these by spraying liquid nitrogen directly on them. Can you say BURN? I guess all those summers in Arizona with baby oil on my face suntanning really paid off! Because I have more than 25 on my face, we are going to opt for the PDT (photodynamic therapy), this will be done in about 2 weeks and we hope to get all of those little buggers burned off at once. For now, my nose (where several were) resembles the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. CHA CHING.
And that was only today, Monday, March 1st.
But I did have a lovely weekend with Mr. Moto :)