Ahhh, Valentine's Day.
As I sit here sipping my morning coffee on the patio, the sun shining and the birds singing, I can't help but smile and remember Valentine's Days past. It was nice to be awakened by a "Happy Valentine's Day" phone call, followed by various texts and emails and even an old fashioned card sent in the mail!
I was proposed to on a Valentine's Day....Bob popped the question using those cute little valentines one would exchange in grade school. And REMEMBER how you used save the special ones for the cute guy in the third grade? I still have those "proposal" valentines to this day.
In fact, I know someone who is proposing to their sweetheart today, leading her on a scavenger hunt thru the city and ending up in a park, where he will propose. Little does she know, their families are in on it and will be in the park watching! Young love, so sweet.
Of course, life isn't always a bed of roses, I've had a few broken hearts along the way and broke one or two
myself (sorry, guys)!
But they do heal, I promise. And you find new love. Complete with butterflies and giggles, just like a young school girl all over again. I've been called a "hopeless romantic", but I prefer the term "hopeful romantic".
Love is in the air. Now go give someone special a BIG hug, and spread the love today.
Valentine Wishes and Kisses to All.
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