Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What would you do with this?

Funny, the things you find while cleaning out your garage. Buried amongst old tax returns, my children's school drawings, and photographs, I came upon this. THIS being the top of my wedding cake, circa 1986.

Impulsively, I went to toss it into the trash, however, as I walked toward the can, I paused and began to study this little relic and thought..

Hmmm, what are the top 5 things I could do with this?

1. Drop kick it over the backyard fence.
2. Wrap it up and give it to my sister Joanne for Christmas next year.
3. Use it for Troy and Chaz' wedding.
4. Put it on the driveway, put the car in reverse and run it over OR
5. Coat it with peanut butter, roll it in bird seed and let the crows peck it to death.

But seriously, it really is too cute. The terrified look on their faces is priceless!
Her dress was very similar to mine, which by the way......still fits....and will be cut up and sewn into 2 lace tablecloths.

See, make lemonade out of lemons, I always say :)