Wednesday, April 29, 2009

OKAY, where was this book 20 years ago?
I could have simplified my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to buy this sign.
I can so relate!
And it will be a McDonald's french fry!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Applause Showcase

Congrat's Chel on another awesome performance!

Even without the "mike" turned on, you still rocked the house!

Your family is so darn proud of you! You go, girl!! What a month this has been!

P.S. As soon as I can figure out how to load the video to this blog, you'll all have a chance to see this performance!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just Won 2 Tickets

Yahooo, I just won 2 tickets to see Sawyer Brown tonight at the Casino!

Who wants to go?

I'll take the 3rd caller!

And the winner is Patty Philips of Goleta.

See ya tonite!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kick some butt #303!


Contest is.........Chelsea Chaput. Chelsea received a call from the Radio Station on Wednesday morning, but couldn't take it, because she was in BIOLOGY class. The DJ had the top 2 contestants on the phone before they announced the winner, so I was Chelsea's stand-in.
Chelsea wants to thank each and everyone of you who voted for her. There were over 22,000 votes received.
Congrats to Elizabeth Lepley, the new 2009 KRAZY IDOL winner!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chelsea Goes Country

Chelsea auditioned this week in the wee hours of the morning for our local country radio station, KRAZY COUNTRY 105.9 for their KRAZY IDOL Contest. She was chosen as one of the 10 finalists to compete next Monday morning, live on the air for this title. More details soon!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Holding Down the Fort...

As many of you may know, my boss, Bruce was recently diagnosed with Cancer. He will begin his chemo tomorrow and the staff gave him a "chemo kit" with lots of goodies to help him thru. We also wanted to assure him that we can "hold down the fort" while he's out of the office. I'm enjoying my "Coronita" with Ellen Degeneres, Kathy is enjoying champagne and talking on her cell, Linda is blowing party horns while Cynthia is literally "holding down the fort".

Bruce's prognosis is excellent and we know he can beat it! We love you Bruce and know the office will be in "GOOD HANDS".

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring Creepy Crawlers

I cannot stress enough how excited I am for Spring to arrive. These past few days of beach weather have been welcomed like a check from Publishers Clearing House. But, and regrettably there is a but. With Spring comes the multi legged friggin creepy crawlers that seriously disturb me to the core.

My phobia goes back as far as I can remember. My fear of grasshoppers and praying mantis.
It's really serious. Serious to the point that I have literally jumped and cleared a 3 foot hedge while being chased by my X (he claimed he had one cupped in his hand) and then jumped into my neighbor's open mini van to get away from him and the grasshopper. Now you know why he's the X. Don't EVER taunt me with a grasshopper. You will PAY!!! I have also leapt off a 5 foot tall retaining wall while holding gardening shears (and screaming like a banchi indian) to escape a flying grasshopper that got tangled in my hair, forget the fact that I could have impaled myself on these shears when I landed, but I had to get that friggin grasshopper off of me. I then ran in the house, ripped off all clothing, inspected myself in the mirror and then jumped in the shower to wash off its essence. Terrified I would find it in my hair while shampooing. I can still hear that buzzing sound.....

Yes, I realize that a phobia is indeed an irrational fear. However, I cannot get over it. And I have now officially been told by my sister, that the grasshoppers are back, they were spotted just this week in her yard (I won't be going over there real soon.)

It's time to strap on the exterminator suit and start spraying the hell out of everything that will stand still.

Monday, April 6, 2009

First time, shame on you!
Second time, shame on me............

How apropoe!

Love this quote.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Scrapbook Retreat at West Cottage

First Scrapbook Retreat at my house this weekend. Great time was had by all! Finally took the flamingos out of the front yard. I'm sure the neighbors are relived!

My dining room turned into a scrapbook table for 8.