Saturday, April 23, 2011

No More Pine Valley and Llanview?

ABC announced that it will cancel two long running soap operas this year. It's the end of the road for All My Children which debuted in 1970 and One Life to Life which hit the air in 1968. I cannot tell you how many hot arizona summers I spent glued to those shows while babysitting, earning a whopping .50 cents an hour. I would end the afternoon with GH (General Hospital) with a belly full of Pepsi (don't think diet had been invented), a can of bean dip and a bag of fritos.

Of course it's a money thing, it cost $30 million more a year to produce soaps than it does to produce talk shows. So now its time to kiss AMC and OLTL goodbye. How do you write an ending for a show that's been around for more than 40 years? Whats the best way to pull the plug on Erica Kane and Vicki Buchanan? When "Little House on the Prairie" ended, they blew up Walnut Grove....I am still not over that. Perhaps they can all turn into Vampires, or maybe everyone from Pine Valley can move to Port Charles and get jobs at General Hospital or Ruby's Diner. Or maybe they could all just wake up and find out it was all a dream like J.R. Ewing on Dallas.

Thank you ABC for the memories. Those soaps were a huge part of my teen years, my "having my babies" years and sweet memories of my mom taking a break after her housework was done to enjoy her "soaps". Thanks for laughter, the tears and the cliff hangers.

I leave you now with one of the most memorable moments from One Life to Life - below

One Life to Live: Karen takes the witness stand

Thursday, April 21, 2011

R U Kidding Me?

So the black cloud has now turned into a thunderstorm, complete with tennis ball sized hail. I feel like I am holding an umbrella that has turned inside out.

But hey, what usually follows such a storm? The beautiful warm sun and sometimes a rainbow.

So bring it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Black Cloud

Ever have one of those weeks where you have one of these following you around?

I swear if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Watch Chelsea LIVE

Santa Barbara Idol sold can catch it live by going to the following website at 7:00 PM Pacific time (Friday, April 8) and catch Chelsea compete. She will be 8th in the line up of 10.

Thanks for your support.


So tomorrow is Friday and I have made it thru the first week. Alvin, Simon and Theodore have been really awesome! I arrived dressed up in a skirt and blouse, hose, bling and high heels.....everyone else was wearing casual wear, apparently I did not get the memo. While walking across the vast estate to the office, my heels aerated the front lawn and at one point, one shoe stuck in the lawn really deep, but my leg kept going. Had to turn around and retrieve my shoe, I'm sure that was a visual and have you ever tried to walk on a cobblestone driveway in stillettos? That my friends, takes talent!

Lots to learn here, but loving it so far.