But we had some great birthdays with him, and I'll share one of them with you now.
Early, early one morning at the Ranch, the entire staff gathered to surprise him. I believe it was about 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and as quietly as possible, about 60 of us crept, as quietly as 60 people can creep, to his door and knocked. After a few moments, he, half alseep, opened the door and we burst into song, singing a joyous "Happy Birthday". Can you imagine what we sounded like that early in the morning? And us singing to him? He was so touched. Michael was always giving, giving, giving, but not used to receiving. I will never forget the look on his face that morning.
The commotion soon brought Prince, Paris and Blanket to see what all the noise was about. He thanked us and said "I love you all". We then turned on the sound system and played the Beatles version of "Birthday" thru the entire ranch. And then we all sat down together and enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast on the patio in paradise. That is one of those "snapshot" moments, I will never forget.

Michael would have been 51 today.