So then Chelsea begins Round 2 with 6 contestants and sings "Black Velvet" which is playing now. The judges then picked 1 contestant who was their choice and Chelsea WON AGAIN, the remaining 2 were picked by audience votes.
So now, we have the top 3 contestants. The energy in that place was unbelieveable. There were over 500 in attendance. Chelsea ended the night singing "My Way" by Frank Sinatra. But right before she sang, she said to the audience, this song is for my "Nana". (that's my mom who just passed away 7 weeks ago). Well needless to say, our entire table broke down, including my father and we all just balled. The final three then stood on stage and they were voted on solely by buying $1 votes and putting them in a bucket. Chelsea came in 2nd place and won $500. The winner was Morgan Laughlin who is an incredible singer. She sang "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion. What a night! We are all still on such a high.
Thank you everyone who came and supported Chelsea. You are awesome!