Monday, March 1, 2010


It began with the computer virus from hell. Yes, my brand new lap top is infected with the "Security Tool" virus more than likely from Facebook, this according to the Qeek Squad at Best Buy. It pops up, looking like an alert from your computer software saying you have compromised files, it then asks you for $49.95 to install the software. I thought it was just advertising as the computer was new. What it does, is then take your credit card number and your identity. Five people behind me in line at Best Buy had the same virus. It really hit hard this week. They said all you had to due was merely scroll your mouse across their ad and the virus infected your computer. It will cost between $130 and $190 to rebuild. CHA CHING.

And then my dryer decides it doesn't want to work anymore. It tumbles for hours on end, it would still be tumbling today if I hadn't turn it off, also no heat. Learned from the appliance place it is over 10 years old, so time for a new one. CHA CHING.

And then there was the jury summons - no CHA CHING.

But my favorite part of today was having seven actinic Keratosis spots (pre cancerous) removed from my face and some on my hands. They remove these by spraying liquid nitrogen directly on them. Can you say BURN? I guess all those summers in Arizona with baby oil on my face suntanning really paid off! Because I have more than 25 on my face, we are going to opt for the PDT (photodynamic therapy), this will be done in about 2 weeks and we hope to get all of those little buggers burned off at once. For now, my nose (where several were) resembles the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. CHA CHING.

And that was only today, Monday, March 1st.

But I did have a lovely weekend with Mr. Moto :)

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