Running on about 2 cylinders instead of 4? Monday night, my yorkie Corbin becomes ill. Running all night long outside through the doggie door (swish-swish) and then back in again whimpering. Trip to the vet reveals he has "colitis", irritation of the bowel (his bum looks like a baboon) due to table scraps.....hmmm......don't get me started on that one. $253 cha ching buys you bum spray, antibiotics, shots and prescription dog food. He's doing much better now, no more nightly runs outside.
Trying to put all the pieces together for my income taxes. Yucky.
The lady that wanted to rent my room, changes her mind while moving in.....and leaves me a very "personal" letter as to why..........are you frigging kidding me, where did you EVER get that idea?
Yesterday, on my lunch hour, I lock my keys and cell phone in my car. Stranded at El Rancho Market with a bag of suishi.....thank goodness for my Dad coming to the rescue.
My boss is irritable and I feel like hell. I just want to go home.........and cry. And so I did. I cryed and then cryed some more. Still feel like hell.
And then, what is with this lack luster season of American Idol???
Ok, I'll jump off my soap box now, tomorrow is a new day.
But I still feel a lot like this monkey.
Sounds like you need another weekend away with Mr. Motorcycle!