Saturday, May 12, 2012


Me and My Mum

There is nothing like the bond between a mother and a child.

Here on earth and after.

You are always connected


Now that I have children of my own, I understand the depth of that connection between a mother and child.

The joy, the heartache and the inbetween
and the simple moments you never forget.

~  these are a few of mine ~

when I was very young,  I asked my mom, how will I know when I meet the "right one"
and her answer was "you will just know".  It can't be explained, she said.
"you will just know"
 sitting together at the air conditioned lunch counter of Newberry's department store in Arizona
sharing her favorite egg salad sandwhich on rye,
washing it down with an ice cold rootbeer after shopping for our "bargains"
 coming home from school in the sixth grade
to find she had laid out a dress for me on my bed
to wear to my first dance that night...
complete with a pearl necklace.
 pretending to be asleep when she laid my Christmas stocking
at the foot of my bed every Christmas eve
and listening to her footsteps as she crept out of my room
 watching her pack home made fried chicken, potato salad, and date nut bars
 to fill the Coleman cooler and pile in the station wagon for a Sunday picnic
at the Verde river.

and her scent.  Every now and then, it fills the air
and I just smile.  I know Mom, I know.
and I thank you for letting me know you are ok.

and now in just a few short weeks, I will be a grandmother and my daughter
will begin to fill her new daughter's life with these sweet moments too
and that just makes my heart swell.

Happy Mother's Day!



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